Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Number 4 is Retiring

Anyone that knows me knows I have been a Packer fan from way back, and more importantly, a Brett Favre fan. I enjoyed watching the Packers and the excitement that Brett brought to the game for many years. Here in Wisconsin we watched his ups and downs, the loss of his father, the breast cancer diagnosis of Deana, but we always knew we could count on Brett to excite us on a Sunday afternoon (or Monday evening!) Lots of times we held our breath as he threw one of his incredibly long passes, praying that someone wearing green and gold would catch it!

The photo shows Missy and the kids on her birthday. Dave and I got her an authentic jersey to wear. Maybe worth something in a couple years Missy.....

I give up, I have been trying and trying to attach that photo. I give up for tonight.

On to a new era.


Missy said...

Too Bad for Us, Too Good for Him! (and yes, the Jersey is going to have to go into a safe spot-away from my kids! ha)

Jackie said...

News reports out of Vegas think he'll change his mind....