Breakfast was waffles that Missy had made earlier and we warmed up. Mmmm. The weather was pretty cool and damp so our one trip outside this morning was short lived. Not because the kids wanted to come in, but because I did! With these two active kids I hadn't taken a shower yet so I wasn't anxious for anyone I knew to drive by. HA!
After Dave got home from work, and the kids up from their naps, we went to Stein Garden Center. It was still a little cool to walk around outside, so we checked out the outside fun animals. If the kids were good, we promised them we would buy some cars from K-Mart. They were, so we did. When we got home I made dinner and Dave and Gunner checked out the kids new cars and trucks.
Seems as though we are getting a nice schedule down and I am picking up on their behaviors. Can't control them, but I can anticipate them! Just in time for Missy and Thom to get home and take over. 37 hours or so.... not that I am counting.
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