The kids were very good listeners as Dave explained things to them.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Day Four Fire House Visit
Missy and Thom are leaving Las Vegas tonight. So, one more full day and then life goes back to the way it was. I have this horrible feeling that Missy and Thom are going to take a flight somewhere else....
Since Dave is the Safety Director he is the chief for the fire department. We decided to take advantage of that and give the kids a little tour. The guys on duty were terrific, giving us full access to all the trucks. We went in the ambulance, sat in the fire truck, saw the tanker trucks. Dave showed the kids how the firemen hang all their hose lines to dry them out. Tommy was quite interested in that!
?We even saw a big
tow truck getting one of the ambulances hooked up. Must have worked too hard and needed a rest! (I know how that ambulance feels....) The kids got little fireman hats and coloring books and stickers. When they were in the ambulance they each received a toy.

Al and Jessica met up with us and then came over afterwards to try and coax the kids into eating. Didn't go well. Oh well, must be nap time. Note Jessica's nice birthday purse.....
Monday, April 28, 2008
Daddy's Brave Boy
Day Three---Going Great!
Breakfast was waffles that Missy had made earlier and we warmed up. Mmmm. The weather was pretty cool and damp so our one trip outside this morning was short lived. Not because the kids wanted to come in, but because I did! With these two active kids I hadn't taken a shower yet so I wasn't anxious for anyone I knew to drive by. HA!
After Dave got home from work, and the kids up from their naps, we went to Stein Garden Center. It was still a little cool to walk around outside, so we checked out the outside fun animals. If the kids were good, we promised them we would buy some cars from K-Mart. They were, so we did. When we got home I made dinner and Dave and Gunner checked out the kids new cars and trucks.
Seems as though we are getting a nice schedule down and I am picking up on their behaviors. Can't control them, but I can anticipate them! Just in time for Missy and Thom to get home and take over. 37 hours or so.... not that I am counting.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Two of a Kind!!
These kids really tire me out! Dave had to go back to work for a meeting tonight so it was just me and the rug rats! Missy said the bath would be fun for them. Oh yeah, it was for them. Thank goodness we had bathtime to clean all my walls. I haven't washed them in awhile...
Then came toothbrush time. Those kids should have the shinest teeth in town. They love their little electric toothbrushes....
Missy sent a photo of some dinasaurs out in Las Vegas. So I let Tommy call her and talk. Grandma learned a lesson...don't let the kids talk to Mommy and Daddy after the first day. After finally prying his hands of the phone he went right back to playing with his cars.
And to bed for all of us.... Good Nite!
Day Two - After the Naps
MMMM...we had french fried frog legs for lunch. With Ketchup. Savannah was up first from her nap so we were outside playing waiting Tommy to get up. When he did, we went outside and helped Grandpa rake up the lawn so we could plant some grass seed where the grass had died over the winter.
It turned out to be a much nicer day than was originally predicted.
Day Two... A Lot Better!
Well, we all slept great! Savannah slept in until after 7, came in by Dave and I and snuggled while we drank our coffee. Missy says she likes to watch the Disney channel, but she watched the news with us! Then we got Tommy up, and of course Charlotte didn't have any choice as she slept in the living room. We ate (okay they ate) Corn Flakes and bananas.
Grandpa read a book to them about sleeping overnight by Grandma and Grandpa. We took a walk was still cool out.
Then off to take Charlotte home. Today she wanted to go to school to eat Chicken Dinner.
By the time we got home, we ate our lunch and put them down for a nap.
Write more about our afternoon adventures later.....
Saturday, April 26, 2008
They Are Gone!!!!!!
Mom and Dad are gone and now we are going to have some fun! It is terribly windy out today, but we need to get out and talk a walk. The first walk wasn't good, Tommy and Savannah took off running down the sidewalk... Yeah, I hoofed it almost to Lake Drive before I caught them. Hm, another lesson for Grandma's house....don't run away from me!!!!
Second walk was much better. Very windy again, but this time we found a dead toad in the window well, and a lot of dried out worms on the sidewalks.
After one hour, Savannah finally fell asleep. Tommy went right to sleep! Let's see how they do through the night.. Charlotte is enjoying her Guitar Hero game and her adult time now that the little kids are asleep. More tomorrow.
Las Vegas, Day One
They say what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas.... HA! Now if I can convince the little grandkids that same thing for the next 4 days. Missy and Thom dropped the three kids off around 1:30. After reminding me of a few medication and food details, they were off. At 3:00 Charlotte and I looked at the clock and couldn't believe it was only 3:00..... Yikes. Well, once we get some rules down here at the house, we should be good. We don't climb on Grandma's tables or throw the whole bunch of grapes all around the living room.
The kids cried pretty hard for about 5 minutes.... Then they were fine.
Dave's Birthday
Happy Birthday to Dave, Jessica and Gary!!! Missy, Thom, Char, Tommy, Savannah, Dad and Mom Beguhn, Gary, Gina, and Al and Jessica came over for lasagna and dessert to celebrate. Food was delicious, if I do say so myself! Al and Jess left after dinner as they were going to a concert as a special gift from Jess' parents.
Dave opened the gifts and Tommy proceeded to cover Great Grandpa with all the tissue paper. Grandpa was a good sport!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Back by Walt and Debbie
Our trip of course had to come to an end. We planned to spend the last night by Walt and Debbie. Walter was flying in from Germany and was set to arrive around 6 pm. Of course that wasn't to be, and his luggage ended up in Boston.. He finally made it back around 8:30. We quickly went out for a nice dinner and lots of conversation.
We found out the next morning Debbie's mom and sister were flying in for a vacation on Midwest airlines. Their flight in was to be our return flight home! So Debbie made a sign and asked Dave to welcome them to Texas! Dave was all to happy to do it. They were a bit confused but seemed to enjoy the welcome! I am sure they had as wonderful a visit to Texas as we did.
Galveston. I want to sing the song by Glenn Campbell every time I say Galveston.
This morning we checked out and went up coast to Galveston. It was a very scenic drive, we stayed right along the coast. We enjoyed seeing all the homes and businesses built on stilts..
We stopped our little PT Cruiser at a public access road to check out the beach. Pretty icky. Lots of seaweed and lots and lots of jellyfish all over the beach.
Galveston had alot more modern hotels. The main road is right on the beach. We stayed on the main highway and walked the beach. Thank goodness there was another IHOP just a few blocks from our hotel so Dave could get his stuffed french toast again. I got to pick dinner, which of course I picked a Mexican place which was great too. One thing we noticed, and I enjoyed, was chips were served with warm (temperature) salsa at every Mexican restaurant we visited throughout our trip.
Dave's friend Walt suggested we stop for a Shiner beer at the Poop Deck in Galveston. We did, and enjoyed the view.
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