Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter through the years.

Isn't this adorable? Missy is 8, Al is 2. It was taken at their house on Glacier Road in Pewaukee. They are standing in front of a dry sink cabinet that Grandpa Tesser made for me. He made it to display some cannisters that I inherited from my Aunt Marge. The cannisters came over from Germany and first belonged to my Grandma Lentz.

Anyway, Missy forever had that beautiful, long, thick brown hair! It wasn't easy to comb and brush, she probably remembers that! Isn't Al adorable too? Every year they used the same Easter baskets they received from their Grandma Legg. Missy still has hers, I would bet Al's is around somewhere....

Well, here they are almost 19 years later. Still a wonderful looking couple of children!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Nice Outfits! Yikes! And that hair style-very cool!
-oh, I was talking about the older picture :)
ha ha