Jackie and I have been friends since we were 18 years old. Thank goodness she has stuck with me throughout the years. There have been a lot of ups and downs. Jackie and her family moved out of state when our children were young, but some of my children's youngest, fondest memories are with her kids. We would race those little 2 year olda through the zoo (back when it was free) and then take them home for their naps! Jackie and I even tried to make some money all those years ago having craft sales (I wish I could find those photos...) in her mom's basement. We surely never made much. We certainly lost money if you counted in the time we took to make our treasures. But we never did, we just wanted to sell our homemade things. For me it was mostly plastic canvas things. Jackie sewed. I remember the clowns! They were so fun and she made them for all kinds of people.
Jackie has continued her passion of making things with her quilting. She does such beautiful work. And she appreciates quilting done by others. I love to hear about a special treasure she has found at a rummage or estate sale!
Many years ago Jackie made this quilt top for a table runner for me.
I was telling her how I still use it and she didn't seem to remember it. So, here it is!
A couple more goodies are this counted cross stitch pillow. The colors are faded on the fabric, but it is as beautiful now as it was back then. Jackie was doing counted cross stitching and wanted to teach me. I remember telling her there was no way I could do it. She taught me and I loved it. I did a lot of counted cross stitch pieces until my eyes made it too difficult! I am sure there are some projects out there that never did get done! Oh, and the crocheting! We made tons of towels for the kitchen by crocheting the tops of them that would hang them from a handle.
Thank you Jackie for all the great things you taught me! And for being a friend to me for all these years!